Leader In Anti-Ageing: Autophagy, Bioplasm & Sublime Good Technology

Discover The Sublime Good You.

The home of the Autophagy Psychotronic Generator Crystal Set:  $600

Anti-Ageing Tech


Mission Statement

Significantly enhance the health, beauty, well-being and healthy lifespan of our anti-ageing customers using deep, black-ops military tech and far future physics now available to the public in easy to use Psychotronic Generators crystals for autophagy, bioplasm and improved general health.


Health & Wellness Seminars Using Psychotronic Generators

Two Day Introductory Seminars On The Health Benefits of Psychotronic Generators Now Available.  

Small Groups, London Based Workshop.

Price: $2,000 per person.

Enquire for details at nick@anti-ageingtech.com


Anti-Ageing Tech

Real World Solutions To Anti-Ageing.